I’m Sumaya Hossain
I’m working hard to raise money for the SEO Class of 2020 Summer Enrichment Programs
fundraiser led by SEO Scholars Class of 2020.
My goal
of $350 raised
57% completed. Raised by 2 donors
This fundraiser concluded on Friday, May 31, 2019
My goal
$200 of $350 raised
57% completed. Raised by 2 donors
This fundraiser concluded on Friday, May 31, 2019
Help me raise money for my pre-college program.
This fundraiser is organized by SEO Scholars Class of 2020
Fundraiser goal
$67,939 of $70,000 raised
97% completed. Raised by 1276 donors
My name is Sumaya Hossain. I'm a junior at Marblehill School for International Studies. I'm from Bangladesh. I love reading and I am an avid reader. I like writing in my free times. I enjoy learning about economics and history.
What I’m Raising Money For
I'm raising money to attend a pre-college business program over the summer. It is a 3-week program that offers college level courses in the business field on a college campus outside of New York City. The opportunity to attend this college program is extremely important to me because it would allow me to take courses in field I'm interested in studying and it'd allow me leave my comfort zone.
Why You Should Give
I'm a first generation college student, with your help I'll be better prepared for the rigor a college class demand and ready to be successful. This opportunity will help me become more independent and help me learn more about myself. Your support will help me achieve my academic goal and make a positive impact on our society.
Organizer details
This fundraiser is organized by SEO Scholars Class of 2020
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Sponsorship levels
Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1