I’m Mathew Pulley
I’m working hard to raise money for the SEO Class of 2020 Summer Enrichment Programs
fundraiser led by SEO Scholars Class of 2020.
My goal
of $400 raised
328% completed. Raised by 19 donors
This fundraiser concluded on Friday, May 31, 2019
My goal
$1,310 of $400 raised
328% completed. Raised by 19 donors
This fundraiser concluded on Friday, May 31, 2019
Ni Hao! Support my summer abroad in Shanghai!
This fundraiser is organized by SEO Scholars Class of 2020
Fundraiser goal
$67,939 of $70,000 raised
97% completed. Raised by 1276 donors
My name is Mathew Pulley and I am a junior at the NYC iSchool and an SEO Scholar. SEO Scholars is a free eight-year academic program that is dedicated towards the fostering of underrepresented New York City teens through intense academic teaching in different Mathematical and English subjects. I have been in this program since 2017 and have managed to juggle my school academics while attemting to expand my personal academic interests in history, English, and science.
What I’m Raising Money For
Every year, juniors at SEO are nominated to participate in a myriad of summer experiential programs. Through weekly dedication to my all-day Saturday, weekday, and month long summer classes, I have had been granted the opportunity to become immersed in the Asian culture through a language and immersion program in Shanghai, China. This summer, I will be culturally immersed in Shanghainese culture by living with a host family, visiting local markets, and interacting with natives,. I will experience the lives and cultures of Shanghai with an intimacy and depth that many lack or simply do not have the opportunity to experience.
Why You Should Give
Your contribution will not only go towards my endeavor, but also the costs of other trip essentials such as air fare, books, and other expenses for my fellow SEO Scholars. It was also ensure that our scholars are ingrained with the experience and knowledge required to succeed in our future lives along with the cultural and intellectual awareness that derives from each unique summer program.
Organizer details
This fundraiser is organized by SEO Scholars Class of 2020
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Top team members
Team members
Sponsorship levels
Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
Activity and updates
May 26, 2019
Alyson Insull gave $25.00
May 1, 2019
Julie Wiencek gave $25.00
April 28, 2019
Update from Mathew Pulley
Hello! I just wanted to thank all of you who were generous enough to donate to my fundraiser! I had no idea there were so many kind individuals willing to donate towards something that will benefit my future. I am so grateful to each and everyone of you. I am happy to report that through all of your contributions, I have managed over $1200-I couldn't have done it without you!
April 25, 2019
Kate Brower gave $50.00
April 19, 2019
Matthew Toole gave $100.00
April 14, 2019
Richard Rivero gave $100.00
April 12, 2019
Samuel Freeman gave $50.00
For Pog. -
Brittany Klimowicz gave $20.00
Mathew is a wonderful student who deserves wonderful opportunities! -
Emily Evans gave $100.00
Scott Rozic gave $100.00
Kevin P McCormick gave $250.00
Josh Blumenfeld gave $50.00
Niki Dounis gave $100.00
Ira D Rogers gave $25.00
Taylor Hutton gave $50.00
Kevin b Jennings gave $25.00
Rhett Wilson gave $40.00
April 11, 2019
Michelle Leimsider gave $50.00
Because Mathew is brilliant and kind and intellectually curious and I'm so excited for him to have this amazing experience!