I’m shafiat ayoola
I’m working hard to raise money for the SEO Class of 2020 Summer Enrichment Programs
fundraiser led by SEO Scholars Class of 2020.
My goal
of $900 raised
29% completed. Raised by 4 donors
This fundraiser concluded on Friday, May 31, 2019
My goal
$260 of $900 raised
29% completed. Raised by 4 donors
This fundraiser concluded on Friday, May 31, 2019
We're raising money for the Fund Scholar's Summer Experiences fundraiser led by SEO Scholars Class of 2020
This fundraiser is organized by SEO Scholars Class of 2020
Fundraiser goal
$67,939 of $70,000 raised
97% completed. Raised by 1276 donors
Hi my name is Shafiat Ayoola and I am a junior at BASE high school. I am in the student government( 11th grade representative ), I am a SEO scholar and I attend early college class and the university of Long Island.
What I’m Raising Money For
I am fundraising because I get to attend classes at the University of Rochester this summer. In this program I will be able to take medical classes that I will need to take when I become a full college student. When I was younger I always wanted to be a Neurosurgeon and I have always wanted to find a cure for Alzheimer's. With this program I am able to receive the resource that will help to obtain the mindset of being in the medical field. I am also fundraising to help my peers to gain the same experience that I will be getting this summer through other programs that include travel, adventure, and academic programs like mine.
Why You Should Give
When I receive this fund it is not only going to help me it is going to help my peers because once you give a donation you are helping 200+ students who are ambitious and outgoing just like me. When you give me a donation you will be giving me and my peers a life changing experience that will shape the way we live and think as intellectuals.
Organizer details
This fundraiser is organized by SEO Scholars Class of 2020
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