I’m serena straw
I’m working hard to raise money for the SEO Class of 2020 Summer Enrichment Programs
fundraiser led by SEO Scholars Class of 2020.
My goal
of $300 raised
108% completed. Raised by 3 donors
This fundraiser concluded on Friday, May 31, 2019
My goal
$325 of $300 raised
108% completed. Raised by 3 donors
This fundraiser concluded on Friday, May 31, 2019
Support Serena for Summer 2019!
This fundraiser is organized by SEO Scholars Class of 2020
Fundraiser goal
$67,939 of $70,000 raised
97% completed. Raised by 1276 donors
My name is Serena Straw, I attend the Urban Assembly School for Applied Math and Science, and I am currently a junior. I have lived in the Bronx, NY my whole life and I love the culture I am around all the time. I have a passion for reading that has made me realize that a profession that involves literature is perfect for me. Additionally, I really love to dance and live life to the fullest.
What I’m Raising Money For
I am in a non-profit organization named SEO (Sponsors for Educational Opportunity) and in the summer of 2019 every Junior (upcoming Senior) will be doing an Enrichment Program. You are probably wondering what that is, it is an opportunity for students to grow and get out of their comfort zones with Travel Abroad, Pre-College Programs, and Internships. This summer I have been given the opportunity to participate in a Pre-College program, I will be staying on a college campus for 2 weeks. I will be taking non-credit courses and getting a glimpse of what college life would be like. Furthermore, I am hoping to raise money not only for myself but for everyone in my cohort to participate in these amazing programs.
Why You Should Give
I am one of those students that does not know the career field that I want to be in as of yet, and I also will be going into college with my major undecided. Being in this Pre-College program can help me decide these things; I will be learning more about myself everyday participating in this program. I can also build qualities about myself that I cannot build within the setting I am in. Donating to my cause you will not only be helping me grow as an individual but also over 200 more students.
Organizer details
This fundraiser is organized by SEO Scholars Class of 2020
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