I’m makaila
I’m working hard to raise money for the West Potomac Crew 2023
fundraiser led by Brittany McMaster.
My goal
of $250 raised
110% completed. Raised by 5 donors
This fundraiser concluded on Wednesday, March 1, 2023
My goal
$275 of $250 raised
110% completed. Raised by 5 donors
This fundraiser concluded on Wednesday, March 1, 2023
Support West Potomac's 2023 Ergathon Fundraiser
This fundraiser is organized by Brittany McMaster
Fundraiser goal
$17,724 of $20,000 raised
89% completed. Raised by 213 donors
My name is MaKaila. I’m a junior at West Potomac and this is my first year playing any sport. I joined the crew team to challenge myself and get a great workout! I also enjoy working with others towards a shared goal! In this case we’re raising money to fund our team and you’re help would be greatly appreciated! :)
What I’m Raising Money For
Each year, our team uses funds to attend multiple local regattas and compete with other high school teams, maintain and purchase new equipment, and generally keep our boats and team afloat!
Why You Should Give
Crew is a unique experience for high schools students that teaches teamwork, leadership and life skills. It is also an expensive sport. All of our funds come from athlete fees, fundraisers and donations. Crew receives NO FINANCIAL SUPPORT from the school or county because it is designated as a "club" sport, although it is a varsity sport and follows state and county rules and regulations as required.
Organizer details
This fundraiser is organized by Brittany McMaster
Write a message
Top team members
Team members
Sponsorship levels
Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
Activity and updates
February 19, 2023
Anonymous gave $25.00
February 8, 2023
Wayne Hunt gave $25.00
February 2, 2023
Darron gave $25.00
Good luck