I’m Ivan Keenan
I’m working hard to raise money for the West Potomac Crew 2023
fundraiser led by Brittany McMaster.
My goal
of $250 raised
234% completed. Raised by 12 donors
This fundraiser concluded on Wednesday, March 1, 2023
My goal
$585 of $250 raised
234% completed. Raised by 12 donors
This fundraiser concluded on Wednesday, March 1, 2023
Help WP Crew purchase a new boat!
This fundraiser is organized by Brittany McMaster
Fundraiser goal
$17,724 of $20,000 raised
89% completed. Raised by 213 donors
The Ergathon is the final part of Winter Conditioning, where the entire team is split into multiple teams to race against each other on Ergs, or rowing machines. This is a yearly fundraiser which helps start our season strong, physically and financially.
What I’m Raising Money For
This year the team is purchasing a new boat, which is a large capital purchase. Additionally, donations every year help pay for entering competitions, maintenance, and coaches salaries.
Why You Should Give
Crew is the best sport, BUT it does not receive monetary support from FCPS. The team still has to follow regional rules/regulations, and is affiliated with the school, but because crew is a "club" sport, the team does not receive financial support from the county. Therefore, the team relies on member dues, fundraisers and donations. Crew is a great experience for all involved, and a donation is greatly appreciated.
Organizer details
This fundraiser is organized by Brittany McMaster
Write a message
Top team members
Team members
Sponsorship levels
Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
Activity and updates
February 3, 2023
Scott Solak gave $100.00
...because I believe in the WP crew team and wish them great success!
January 30, 2023
Hicks Family gave $25.00
Best wishes to Ivan!
January 25, 2023
The Kriebs Family gave $50.00
January 24, 2023
Anonymous gave $25.00
January 21, 2023
Mrs. Shanae Hill gave $50.00
Ivan Keenan was in my 8th grade Civics Class!
January 20, 2023
Grandma Ann gave $50.00
Ivan loves the crew team and wants it to be a success for many years to come.